MIT Researcher Unlocks New Method for Collecting/Storing Solar Energy

I read it here: , but their understanding of the science is a little “off”.  The author seems to think they’re generating power from water, but in reality they’re using  a process similar to what plants do to separate water, and the power is generated when the Hydrogen and Oxygen are re-combined (like in a fuel cell).

This is big news since unlike current solar sources of energy, where energy must be stored in batteries (with varying levels of efficiency), you can simply store the gases separately and re-combine them as you need the energy.

The researcher has teamed up with Tata group, which is good news since it lends some credibility to actually commercializing it.  It’s rediculous we’re still “drinking” oil out of the ground.  C’mon, it’s 2011.  You think it’s a coincidence that sunlight and water are two of the most abundant things on earth.  I don’t

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